Having a beer festival…?
…or just fancy a bit of variety. With a week’s notice we are able to order in beers from other Essex breweries such as Brentwood, Billericay and Colchester. If you have a special request, contact a member of the brewery team and we will do our best to get it in for you. Unlike some brewery, we do not charge a premium for guest ales, just the breweries own trade price. We will not undercut a brewery, but if you are purchasing multiple casks, including Saffron Ales, we are able to offer a discount on the overall invoice. On this page, you can also see the “SWAPS” we currently have in stock, so contact a member of the brewery if anything takes your fancy. Please note, these are TRADE list prices, but we are happy to supply bag in boxes (casks can be provided but require a deposit) to retail customers. Please speak to a team member for a quote (usually trade price of pin + £10, to cover cost of bag in box and preparing the beer bright). All prices were accurate as of April 2017, but could be subject to change by the specified brewery.